<table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="90%"><tbody><tr valign="top"><td valign="top" width="63%">FOR IMMEDIATE NEWS RELEASE</td><td valign="top" width="37%"><div align="right">NEWS RELEASE #003</div></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td valign="top">FROM: CLERK OF SUPREME COURT OF LOUISIANA</td><td valign="top"> </td></tr></tbody></table><p> </p><div class="nrbody"><style>.nrbody h1{ display:block; font-size:1em; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline; } .nrbody p { text-align:justify; } </style> <p> </p><p>On the <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">14th day of January, 2020</span></strong> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:</p><h1>Stay denied. Writ application denied:</h1><p>2020-KK-00084 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. KYLE DAVID JOEKEL (Parish of St. John the Baptist)<strong></strong><br /><a href="../../opinions/2020/20-0084.KK.jdh.dis.pdf">Hughes, J., would grant and assigns reasons.</a></p><p>2020-KK-00086 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. KYLE DAVID JOEKEL (Parish of St. John the Baptist)</p><p> </p><p>On the <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">22nd day of January, 2020</span></strong> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:</p><h1>Writ application transferred to the court of appeal – See per curiam:</h1><p><a href="../../opinions/2020/19-2021.KH.PC.pdf">2019-KH-02021 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. RODNEY LEWIS</a> (Parish of Desoto)</p><p> </p><p>On the <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">24th day of January, 2020</span></strong> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:</p><h1>Writ application granted. See per curiam:</h1><p><a href="../../opinions/2020/20-0041.KK.PC.pdf">2020-KK-00041 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. RADON RAY</a> (Parish of Orleans Criminal)<br /><a href="../../opinions/2020/20-0041.KK.bjj.dis.pdf">Johnson, C.J., would deny.</a><br /><a href="../../opinions/2020/20-0041.KK.jtg.dis.pdf">Genovese, J., would deny.</a><br />Crain, J., concurs with the majority.</p><p> </p><p>On the <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">25th day of January, 2020</span></strong> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:</p><h1>Stay denied. Writ application denied:</h1><p>2020-KK-00154 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. ASHTON ALLY (Parish of Orleans Criminal)<strong></strong><br />Crain, J., would grant for the reasons assigned by C.J. McKay.</p><p> </p><p>On the <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">28th day of January, 2020</span></strong> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:</p><h1>Writ application granted:</h1><p>2019-KK-01792 JAMAL WASHINGTON VS. STATE OF LOUISIANA (Parish of Jefferson)</p><h1>Writ application granted in part. See per curiam:</h1><p><a href="../../opinions/2020/19-0905.K.PC.pdf">2019-K-00905 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. TERRELL M. BELVIN C/W STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. TERRELL BELVIN</a> (Parish of Orleans Criminal)<br />Weimer, J., would grant and docket.</p><p><a href="../../opinions/2020/19-1833.KK.pc.pdf">2019-KK-01833 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. THOMAS FIFE</a> (Parish of East Baton Rouge)</p><h1>Writ application granted. See per curiam:</h1><p><a href="../../opinions/2020/19-0521.K.PC.pdf">2019-K-00521 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. PRINCE RECORD</a> (Parish of Allen)<br />Weimer, J., would grant and docket.</p><p><a href="../../opinions/2020/19-0566.K.PC.pdf">2019-K-00566 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. WILLIAM CHESTER FARRY, JR.</a> (Parish of Calcasieu)<br />Crain, J., would deny.</p><p><a href="../../opinions/2020/19-1402.CC.PC.pdf">2019-CC-01402 GLOBAL MARKETING SOLUTIONS, L.L.C. VS. BLUE MILL FARMS, INC., ET AL.</a> (Parish of West Baton Rouge)<br /><a href="../../opinions/2020/19-1402.CC.jdh.dis.pdf">Hughes, J., would deny.</a><br /><a href="../../opinions/2020/19-1402.CC.wjc.affidavit.pdf">Crain, J., recused. Assigns an affidavit for the record.</a><br /><a href="../../opinions/2020/19-1402.CC.sjc.dis.pdf">Crichton, J., dissents from the recusal of Justice Crain and assigns reasons.</a><br /><a href="../../opinions/2020/19-1402.CC.jhb.dis.pdf">Boddie, J., dissents as to the recusal of Justice Crain.</a></p><p><a href="../../opinions/2020/19-1730.C.PC.pdf">2019-C-01730 CERTAIN UNDERWRITERS AT LLOYD'S LONDON AND CERTAIN INSURANCE COMPANIES SUBSCRIBING TO POLICY NOS. JHB-CJP-1903(A), B0509M0334412, BO180E122624, ET AL. VS. UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION AND UNITED STATES TUBULAR PRODUCTS, INC.</a> (Parish of Lafourche)<br />Weimer, J., recused in case number 2019-C-01730 only.<strong></strong></p><p><a href="../../opinions/2020/19-1748.C.PC.pdf">2019-C-01748 CHARLES R. TALEN, II VS. RHINO RHENCOVATORS, LLC, ET AL.</a> (Parish of Calcasieu)<br />Weimer, J., would deny.<br />Genovese, J., would deny.</p><h1>Joint petition for conditional admission granted. See per curiam:</h1><p><a href="../../opinions/2020/19-2003.BA.PC.pdf">2019-BA-02003 IN RE: COMMITTEE ON BAR ADMISSIONS CFN-130420</a></p><h1>Ruling of the disciplinary board affirmed. See per curiam:</h1><p><a href="../../opinions/2020/19-1692.OB.PC.pdf">2019-OB-01692 IN RE: PEGGY M. HAIRSTON ROBINSON</a></p><h1>Application for reconsideration denied:</h1><p>2019-KH-00728 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. JAMES CAMPER (Parish of Orleans Criminal)<strong></strong></p><p>2019-KH-00781 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. TRAVIS TATOM<strong></strong></p><h1>Writ application not considered - Petitioner has not demonstrated that he sought review in the court(s) below before filing in this Court nor shown the "extraordinary circumstances" that would justify bypassing that level of review. La.S.Ct.R. X § 5(b).:</h1><p>2019-KH-00787 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. STEVEN KILLINGSWORTH (Parish of Caddo)</p><p>2019-KH-01953 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. JOE STEPHENS (Parish of Caddo)<br />Crichton, J., recused in case number 2019-KH-01953 only.<strong></strong></p><p>2019-CI-01967 JOHN BOOTH VS. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS<strong></strong></p><h1>Writ application not considered. Not timely filed. See Louisiana Supreme Court Rule X, § 5(a):</h1><p>2019-KO-00889 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. RONDA MARIE GIROIR (Parish of Terrebonne)<br />Crain, J., recused in case number 2019-KO-00889 only. <br />Weimer, J., recused in case number 2019-KO-00889 only.<strong></strong></p><p>2019-K-01869 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. CORY BARTHOLOMEW (Parish of St. John the Baptist)<strong></strong><br /><a href="../../opinions/2020/19-1869.K.bjj.deny.pdf">Johnson, C.J., would deny and assigns reasons.</a><br />Hughes, J., would deny.<br />Crain, J., would deny.</p><h1>Writ application denied. See per curiam:</h1><p><a href="../../opinions/2020/19-0086.KH.PC.pdf">2019-KH-00086 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. PHAROAH ANDRE PALMER</a> (Parish of Ascension)<br />Crain, J., recused in case number 2019-KH-00086 only.<strong></strong></p><p><a href="../../opinions/2020/19-0794.KH.PC.pdf">2019-KH-00794 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. FRANK DIAZ</a> (Parish of Orleans Criminal)</p><p><a href="../../opinions/2020/19-0802.KH.PC.pdf">2019-KH-00802 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. NORTON HAMILTON</a> (Parish of Orleans Criminal)</p><p><a href="../../opinions/2020/19-0809.KH.PC.pdf">2019-KH-00809 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. GARVIN SCOTT</a> (Parish of Orleans Criminal)</p><h1>Stay denied. Writ application denied:</h1><p>2019-CC-01936 DESOTO PARISH SHERIFF JAYSON RICHARDSON VS. LOUISIANA LEGISLATIVE AUDITOR DARYL PURPERA (Parish of Desoto)<strong></strong></p><h1>Writ application denied. Moot:</h1><p>2019-KH-00899 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. CHARLES T. BUTLER (VERSUS RICKY JONES, SHERIFF) (Parish of Tensas)<strong></strong></p><h1>Writ application denied - Applicant has previously exhausted his right to state collateral review and fails to show that any exception permits his successive filing. See State ex rel. Perkins v. State, 15-1427 (La. 1/23/17), 209 So.3d 84.:</h1><p>2019-KH-00798 LEONARD PERKINS VS. STATE OF LOUISIANA (Parish of Jefferson)<strong></strong></p><h1>Writ application denied - Untimely filed pursuant to La.S.Ct.R. X § 5.:</h1><p>2019-KH-01820 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. LEMERICK VERNELL CHRISTOPHER (Parish of Ouachita)<strong></strong></p><p>2019-KH-01901 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. ALVIN LEWIS HARVEY (Parish of Caddo)</p><p>2019-KH-01905 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. DAMEION GREENBERRY (Parish of Orleans Criminal)<strong></strong></p><p>2019-KH-01950 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. DENNIS L. MAGEE (Parish of Washington)<br />Crain, J., recused in case number 2019-KH-01950 only.<strong></strong></p><p>2019-KH-01959 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. JAABAR CELESTINE (Parish of Terrebonne) <br />Weimer, J., recused in case number 2019-KH-01959 only.<strong></strong></p><h1>Writ application denied:</h1><p>2020-KK-00171 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. DOMINIQUE NELSON BRYANT (Parish of Calcasieu)</p><p>2018-K-00872 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. MONIQUE O. KITTS (Parish of West Baton Rouge)<br />Crain, J., would grant and docket.</p><p>2019-CI-00619 AVIS JAMES WILLIAMS VS. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS (Parish of East Baton Rouge)<br />Weimer, J., recused in case number 2019-CI-00619 only.<strong></strong></p><p>2019-KH-00783 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. DOLPH FINLEY (Parish of Rapides)<strong></strong></p><p>2019-KO-00797 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. GABRIEL JACKSON (Parish of Caddo)<strong></strong><br />Johnson, C.J., would grant.</p><p>2019-KH-00830 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. DEMETRIUS BRADLEY (Parish of Caddo)<strong></strong></p><p>2019-CI-00833 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. KENNETH FRANCIS (Parish of Orleans Criminal)<strong></strong></p><p>2019-CK-01030 STATE OF LOUISIANA IN THE INTEREST OF H.S. (Parish of Orleans Criminal)<strong></strong></p><p>2019-KK-01437 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. TROY TAYLOR (Parish of Orleans Criminal)<strong></strong></p><p>2019-KK-01440 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. TROY TAYLOR (Parish of Orleans Criminal)<strong></strong></p><p>2019-KH-01726 CHARLES TERRY BUTLER VS. RICKY JONES, SHERIFF (Parish of Tensas)<strong></strong></p><p>2019-CC-01754 JACQUELINE VALDEZ VS. EAGLE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC., RAYMOND STURDIVANT, AND PEERLESS INSURANCE COMPANY (Parish of Ascension)<strong></strong><br />Crichton, J., would grant and docket.<br />Crain, J., would grant and docket.</p><p>2019-KK-01758 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. JERMAN NEVEAUX (Parish of Jefferson)<strong></strong><br />Johnson, C.J., would grant.<br /><a href="../../opinions/2020/19-1758.KK.sjc.con.pdf">Crichton, J., concurs and assigns reasons.</a></p><p>2019-KK-01770 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. TROY TAYLOR (Parish of Orleans Criminal)</p><p>2019-CJ-01781 STATE IN THE INTEREST OF R.B., J.B, & N.W. (Parish of Lafayette)<strong></strong><br />Hughes, J., would grant.<br />Genovese, J., would grant.</p><p>2019-KK-01796 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. VERNON KARL MITCHELL (Parish of St. Mary)<strong></strong><br />Weimer, J., would grant and docket.</p><p>2019-KO-01806 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. WALTER ROSARIO-COLON (Parish of Terrebonne)<br />Weimer, J., recused in case number 2019-KO-01806 only.<strong></strong></p><p>2019-C-01836 DARRELL H. CRANE VS. EVANSTON INSURANCE COMPANY, ET AL. (Parish of Orleans Civil)<strong></strong><br /><a href="../../opinions/2020/19-1836.C.bjj.dis.pdf">Johnson, C.J., would grant and assigns reasons.</a><br />Hughes, J., would grant.<br /><a href="../../opinions/2020/19-1836.C.wjc.grant.pdf">Crain, J., would grant and assigns reasons.</a></p><p>2019-C-01839 HAROLD BREAUX, SR. VS. TERRY B. SOILEAU (Parish of Lafayette)<strong></strong><br /><a href="../../opinions/2020/19-1839.C.bjj.dis.pdf">Johnson, C.J., would grant and assigns reasons.</a><br />Hughes, J., would grant.<br />Crain, J., would grant.</p><p>2019-C-01848 OPELOUSAS GENERAL HOSPITAL AUTHORITY, A PUBLIC TRUST, D/B/A OPELOUSAS GENERAL HEALTH SYSTEM VS. LOUISIANA HEALTH SERVICE & INDEMNITY COMPANY D/B/A BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD OF LOUISIANA (Parish of St. Landry)<strong></strong><br />Crain, J., would grant and docket.</p><p>2019-KO-01849 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. BRIAN HENRY PITTMAN (Parish of St. Tammany)<strong></strong></p><p>2019-CC-01858 JULIE GORDON KITZIGER VS. MICHAEL F. MIRE (Parish of Jefferson)<strong></strong><br />Hughes, J., would grant.</p><p>2019-C-01871 LOUISE KALTENBAUGH, PH.D. AND KATHERINE ROBINSON, PH.D. VS. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY AND AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE AT BATON ROUGE (SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY AT NEW ORLEANS CAMPUS) C/W DAYANAND THANGADA, AUDREY S. MCGEE AND SHIRLEY A. WILLIAMS-SCOTT, PH.D. VS. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY AND AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE AT BATON ROUGE (SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY AT NEW ORLEANS CAMPUS) (Parish of Orleans Civil)<strong></strong><br />Weimer, J., would grant.<br />Crain, J., would grant.</p><p>2019-C-01877 ANTHONY MISITA AND GLENN AND LINDA TORRES VS. THE ST. TAMMANY PARISH GOVERNMENT C/W ANTHONY MISITA VS. JOHN MAUMOULIDES, LAKELOTS, INC., INTREPID, INC., ONE CONSORT INTERNATIONAL, LLC, LAKE RAMSEY DEVELOPMENT AND ST. TAMMANY PARISH GOVERNMENT (Parish of St. Tammany)<strong></strong></p><p>2019-KO-01890 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. ERIC NEWMAN (Parish of Tangipahoa)</p><p>2019-KK-01913 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. WILLIE WILLIAMS (Parish of Orleans Criminal)<strong></strong><br />Crain, J., would grant.</p><p>2019-C-01914 MARY L. SEPULVADO VS. FARM BUREAU INSURANCE COMPANY, ET AL. (Parish of Sabine)<strong></strong><br /><a href="../../opinions/2020/19-1914.C.sjc.grant.pdf">Crichton, J., would grant and assigns reasons.</a><br />Crain, J., would grant and docket.<br />Boddie, J., would grant and docket.</p><p>2019-C-01920 MALVILEN COOK VS. ST. GENEVIVE HEALTH CARE SERVICES, INC. (Office of Workers’ Compensation District 2)<strong></strong></p><p>2019-KK-01925 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. CURTIS DICKSON (Parish of Orleans Criminal)<strong></strong></p><p>2019-C-01931 ZANELLA'S WAX BAR, LLC VS. TRUDY'S WAX BAR, LLC AND TRUDY BARNETT (Parish of East Baton Rouge)<br />Crain, J., recused in case number 2019-C-01931 only.<strong></strong></p><p>2019-C-01932 MALVILEN COOK VS. ST. GENEVIVE HEALTH CARE SERVICES, INC. (Office of Workers’ Compensation District 2)<strong></strong><br />Hughes, J., would grant.</p><p>2019-C-01934 JUNIUS ROBINSON VS. CAPITAL STAFFING SERVICES, INC., ET AL. (Office of Workers’ Compensation District 3)<strong></strong><br />Hughes, J., would grant in part.</p><p>2019-CC-01937 BERNY ARGUIJO-SORTO, GERMAN CASTRO-COREA, DON DANOS, AND SHAMUS GARDNER VS. PENN MARITIME, INC., BOLAND & MANUFACTURING CO., LLC, AND BOLAND MARINE & INDUSTRIAL, LLC (Parish of Orleans Civil)<strong></strong></p><p>2019-KK-01939 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. WILLIAM CLARK (Parish of Orleans Criminal)<strong></strong><br />Johnson, C.J., would grant.<br /><a href="../../opinions/2020/19-1939.KK.jdh.dis.pdf">Hughes, J., dissents and assigns reasons.</a></p><p>2019-KH-01942 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. GEORGE GEORGETOWN (Parish of East Baton Rouge)<strong></strong></p><p>2019-KK-01943 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. ALFRED CARTER (Parish of Orleans Criminal)<strong></strong></p><p>2020-KK-00091 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. AUSTIN TERRELL HENDERSON (Parish of Vernon)<strong></strong><br />Johnson, C.J., would grant.<br /><a href="../../opinions/2020/20-0091.KK.jdh.dis.pdf">Hughes, J., would grant and assigns reasons.</a></p><p>2019-K-00424 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. MONIQUE O. KITTS (Parish of West Baton Rouge)<br />Crain, J., would grant and docket.</p><p>2019-KK-01438 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. TROY TAYLOR (Parish of Orleans Criminal)</p><p>2019-KK-01439 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. TROY TAYLOR (Parish of Orleans Criminal)</p><p>2019-KK-01685 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. TROY TAYLOR (Parish of Orleans Criminal)</p><p>2019-C-01912 OPELOUSAS GENERAL HOSPITAL AUTHORITY, A PUBLIC TRUST, D/B/A OPELOUSAS GENERAL HEALTH SYSTEM VS. LOUISIANA HEALTH SERVICE & INDEMNITY COMPANY D/B/A BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD OF LOUISIANA (Parish of St. Landry)<br />Crain, J., would grant and docket.</p><p>2020-KK-00092 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. JONTRELL ROBINSON (Parish of Orleans Criminal)<br />Genovese, J., would grant.</p><h1>Denied:</h1><p>2019-OB-01812 IN RE: APPEAL OF THE DECISION OF THE DISCIPLINARY BOARD NO. 19-PDB-058<strong></strong></p><p>2019-OB-01817 IN RE: APPEAL OF THE DECISION OF THE DISCIPLINARY BOARD OF 19-PDB-059</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p></div>