<!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="ReleaseNO" --> <table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="text-align:justify;" width="90%"><tbody><tr valign="top"><td valign="top" width="63%">FOR IMMEDIATE NEWS RELEASE</td><td valign="top" width="37%"><div align="right">NEWS RELEASE #031</div></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td valign="top">FROM: CLERK OF SUPREME COURT OF LOUISIANA</td><td valign="top"> </td></tr></tbody></table><!-- TemplateEndEditable --> <p> </p><div class="nrbody"><style>.nrbody h1{ display:block; font-size:1em; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline; } .nrbody p { text-align:justify; } .nrdate { font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline; } </style> <p> </p><!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="NRBODY" --> <p>On the <span class="nrdate">21st day of August, 2020</span> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:</p><h1>Writ application granted. See per curiam:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1039.CC.PC.pdf">2020-CC-01039 PATRICIA NEWMAN, WIFE OF/AND ROBERT NEWMAN VS. BEAR EXPRESS TRANSPORTATION, INC., MARK RUSSELL, AND THE XXX INSURANCE COMPANIES</a> (Parish of Terrebonne)<br />Crain, J., would deny.</p><h1>Writ application denied:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1015.C.action.pdf">2020-C-01015 MILLARD F. CRANCH, JR., RICHARD J. BRAZAN, JR., AND GLENN R. DUCOTE VS. THE HONORABLE TARA LYNETTE WICKER AND THE HONORABLE DOUG WELBORN</a> (Parish of East Baton Rouge)<br />Johnson, C.J., would grant.<br />Hughes, J., would grant.</p><p> </p><p>On the <span class="nrdate">22nd day of August, 2020</span> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:</p><h1>Writ application denied:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1029.CC.action.pdf">2020-CC-01029 HENRY PETE VERSUS SSA GULF, INC., PORTS AMERICA GULFPORT, INC., AND JAMES J. FLANAGAN SHIPPING CORP.</a> (Parish of Orleans Civil)</p><p> </p><p>On the <span class="nrdate">25th day of August, 2020</span> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:</p><h1>Writ application denied:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1018.C.action.pdf">2020-C-01018 REGINALD FRANCIS, SR. VS. SHENTELLE L. DAIGLE AND THE HON. BRIDGET HANA, CLERK OF COURT FOR THE PARISH OF ASCENSION</a> (Parish of Ascension)</p><p> </p><p>On the <span class="nrdate">27th day of August, 2020</span> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:</p><h1>Joint petition for transfer to disability inactive status granted. See order:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1033.OB.PC.pdf">2020-OB-01033 IN RE: DONNA ORJUELA</a></p><p> </p><p>On the <span class="nrdate">28th day of August, 2020</span> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:</p><h1>Application for reconsideration denied. See La. S.Ct. Rule IX, § 6.:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0994.C.action_.pdf">2020-C-00994 BRANDON LUMAR AND VERCELL FIFFIE VS. ATOUNDRA PIERRE LAWSON</a> (Parish of St. John the Baptist)</p><p> </p><p>On the <span class="nrdate">31st day of August, 2020</span> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:</p><h1>Petition to sit for the Louisiana the bar exam granted. See order:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1043.BA.PC.pdf">2020-BA-01043 IN RE: COMMITTEE ON BAR ADMISSIONS CFN-N/A</a><br />Weimer, J., would deny.</p><p> </p><p>On the <span class="nrdate">7th day of September, 2020</span> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:</p><h1>Writ application denied.:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1081.CC.action.pdf">2020-CC-01081 FREDERICK BROWN VS. UNITED SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, PATHOLOGY GROUP OF LOUISIANA, APMC AND TIANA ELL</a> (Parish of East Baton Rouge)<br />Hughes, J., would grant in part for the reasons given by Judge Holdridge.<br />Genovese, J., would grant, reverse the court of appeal, and remand to the trial court to rule on the foundation and relevancy of the plaintiff’s disability status in the event the Social Security records are offered at trial.</p><p> </p><p>On the <span class="nrdate">8th day of September, 2020</span> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:</p><h1>Writ application granted. See per curiam:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0430.C.PC.pdf">2020-C-00430 ELAINE CARPENTER WIFE OF/AND WENDELL O. CARPENTER VS. NORTHSHORE MOTORS I, LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, D/B/A NORTHSHORE TOYOTA AND ABC INSURANCE COMPANY</a> (Parish of St. Tammany)<br />Weimer, J., would grant and docket.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0473.K.PC.pdf">2020-K-00473 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. TRACEY N. WILLIAMS</a> (Parish of Calcasieu)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0484.CC.PC.pdf">2020-CC-00484 HAROLD FILS VS. STAR INDEMNITY & LIABILITY INSURANCE COMPANY, ET AL.</a> (Parish of Lafayette) <br />Genovese, J., recused in case number 2020-CC-00484 only.<br />Hughes, J., would deny.</p><h1>Writ application granted in part. See per curiam:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0731.KK.PC.pdf">2020-KK-00731 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. JAMES L. JONES</a> (Parish of Orleans Criminal)</p><h1>Application for reconsideration granted. Writ application denied:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0307.KH.action_.pdf">2020-KH-00307 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. ANTHONY SCOTT TUBBS</a> (Parish of Bossier)</p><h1>Conditional reinstatement granted. See per curiam:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0755.OB.PC.pdf">2020-OB-00755 IN RE: LYNDEN JAMES BURTON</a><br />Johnson, C.J., would deny.<br /><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0755.OB.sjc.deny.pdf">Crichton, J., would deny reinstatement and assigns reasons.</a><br />Crain, J., would deny.</p><h1>Petition for interim suspension granted. See order:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1023.B.PC.pdf">2020-B-01023 IN RE : WILLIAM C. GORE</a><br />Hughes, J., would deny.<br />Crain, J., would deny.</p><h1>Petition for transfer to active status granted. See order:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0751.OB.PC.pdf">2020-OB-00751 IN RE: CYNTHIA ANN STERNBERG</a><br /><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0751.OB.wjc.dis.pdf">Crain, J., dissents and assigns reasons.</a></p><h1>Joint petition for consent discipline accepted. See per curiam:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0801.B.PC.pdf">2020-B-00801 IN RE: JUSTIN ALSTERBERG</a></p><h1>Application for rehearing denied:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/19-1962.KK.action_.pdf">2019-KK-01962 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. JUSTIN DAVIS</a> (Parish of East Baton Rouge)<br />Crain, J., would grant.</p><h1>Stay denied. Writ application denied:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0865.CC.action.pdf">2020-CC-00865 CHERI HALL, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF MICHAEL HALL, AND ELIZABETH HALL AND MATHISON HALL, CHILDREN OF MICHAEL HALL VS. UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION, ET AL.</a> (Parish of Orleans Civil)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1003.CJ.action.pdf">2020-CJ-01003 ANTHONY D. MERRELLS VS. OLIVIA F. DOTRAY</a> (Parish of Ouachita)</p><h1>Writ application denied. Moot:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0620.KO.action.pdf">2020-KO-00620 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. TRACEY N. WILLIAMS</a> (Parish of Calcasieu)</p><h1>Application for reconsideration not considered. See Louisiana Supreme Court Rule IX, § 6:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/19-1167.K.action_.pdf">2019-K-01167 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. MCKARTNEY YOUNG</a> (Parish of Calcasieu)<br />Johnson, C.J., would grant.</p><h1>Writ application denied. See per curiam:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/19-0185.KH.PC.pdf">2019-KH-00185 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. JOSEPH LLOYD WARD</a> (Parish of Rapides)<br />Weimer, J., would grant and docket.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/19-0242.KH.PC.pdf">2019-KH-00242 JOVAN BUTLER VS. STATE OF LOUISIANA</a> (Parish of Jefferson)<br />Weimer, J., would grant and docket.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0013.KH.PC.pdf">2020-KH-00013 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. DONALD THOMPSON</a> (Parish of East Feliciana)<br />Crain, J., recused in case number 2020-KH-00013 only.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0016.KH.PC.pdf">2020-KH-00016 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. TYRONE CLOFER</a> (Parish of Orleans Criminal)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0056.KO.PC.pdf">2020-KO-00056 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. RODERICK ADAMS</a> (Parish of Morehouse)<br />Weimer, J., would grant and docket.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0174.KH.PC.pdf">2020-KH-00174 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. ABRAM HOPKINS</a> (Parish of East Baton Rouge)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0279.KH.PC.pdf">2020-KH-00279 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. RANDY LEE TURNER</a> (Parish of Terrebonne)<br />Weimer, J., recused in case number 2020-KH-00279 only.<br />Johnson, C.J., would grant.<br />Hughes, J., would grant.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0291.KH.PC.pdf">2020-KH-00291 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. IRVIN HARRIS</a> (Parish of Jefferson)<br /><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0291.KH.bjj.grant.pdf">Johnson, C.J., would grant and docket and assigns reasons.</a></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0331.KH.PC.pdf">2020-KH-00331 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. RON WIGGINS</a> (Parish of Jefferson)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0499.KH.PC.pdf">2020-KH-00499 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. NOVELL CAMPBELL</a> (Parish of Orleans Criminal)<br /><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0499.KH.bjj.grant.pdf">Johnson, C.J., would grant and assigns reasons.</a><br />Hughes, J., would grant.</p><h1>Writ application denied:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0005.KH.action.pdf">2020-KH-00005 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. CHRISTOPHER H. JOSEPH</a> (Parish of Calcasieu) <br />Genovese, J., recused in case number 2020-KH-00005 only.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0033.CK.action.pdf">2020-CK-00033 STATE OF LOUISIANA IN THE INTEREST OF G.S.</a> (Parish of Orleans Criminal)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0037.KH.action.pdf">2020-KH-00037 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. HOWARD JACKSON</a> (Parish of West Baton Rouge)<br />Crain, J., recused in case number 2020-KH-00037 only.<br /><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0037.KH.bjj.grant.pdf">Johnson, C.J., would grant and docket and assigns reasons.</a><br />Weimer, J., would grant to address the retroactivity of Ramos v. Louisiana, 140 S.Ct. 1390, 206 L.Ed. 2d 583 (2020).</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0090.CK.action.pdf">2020-CK-00090 STATE OF LOUISIANA IN THE INTEREST OF L.R.</a> (Parish of Orleans Criminal)<br />Hughes, J., would grant.<br />Crain, J., would grant.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0094.CK.action.pdf">2020-CK-00094 STATE OF LOUISIANA IN THE INTEREST OF L.R.</a> (Parish of Orleans Criminal)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0099.KH.action.pdf">2020-KH-00099 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. ALLEN JAMEL ROBINSON</a> (Parish of Ouachita)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0273.KH.action.pdf">2020-KH-00273 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. BRANDON LAVERGNE</a> (Parish of Lafayette)<br />Genovese, J., recused in case number 2020-KH-00273 only.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0278.KH.action.pdf">2020-KH-00278 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. BRANDON LAVERGNE</a> (Parish of Lafayette)<br />Genovese, J., recused in case number 2020-KH-00278 only.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0280.KH.action.pdf">2020-KH-00280 ROBERT SKIPPER VS. STATE OF LOUISIANA</a> (Parish of Madison)<br /><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0280.KH.bjj.grant.pdf">Johnson, C.J., would grant and assigns reasons.</a></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0298.KH.action.pdf">2020-KH-00298 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. DAVID WAYNE SIMS</a> (Parish of Calcasieu)<br /><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0298.KH.bjj.grant.pdf">Johnson, C.J., would grant and docket and assigns reasons.</a><br />Weimer, J., would grant to address the retroactivity of Ramos v. Louisiana, 140 S.Ct. 1390, 206 L.Ed. 2d 583 (2020).</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0380.KK.action.pdf">2020-KK-00380 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. ALEX TRAVIS SANDERS</a> (Parish of Jefferson)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0406.OC.action.pdf">2020-OC-00406 ROGER D. PHIPPS VS. CYNTHIA NELSON SCHUPP AND ROLAND LAWRENCE CUTRER, JR.</a> (Parish of Orleans Civil)<br />Hughes, J., would grant.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0412.CC.action.pdf">2020-CC-00412 CENTURY READY MIX CORPORATION VS. LANCO CONSTRUCTION INC., LARRY EVANS, INC. AND SST WEST MONROE, L.L.C</a> (Parish of Ouachita)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0421.C.action.pdf">2020-C-00421 SETH H. SCHAUMBURG VS. PARISH OF JEFFERSON</a> (Parish of Jefferson)<br />Crain, J., would grant.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0423.K.action.pdf">2020-K-00423 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. ANTHONY EUGENE, III</a> (Parish of Orleans Criminal)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0436.CC.action.pdf">2020-CC-00436 AAC ENTERPRISES, LLC, JUSTIN HARTENSTEIN, TIFFANIE HARTENSTEIN AND DARLENE BRETZ VS. NICK BAUMAN</a> (Parish of Orleans Civil)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0437.CC.action.pdf">2020-CC-00437 DENNIS R. NAQUIN VS. JOSEPH RALPH BAUDIER, STATE OF LOUISIANA</a> (Parish of Jefferson)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0439.CC.action.pdf">2020-CC-00439 TAMYRA BELMON-WILLIAMS AND BRYAN WILLIAMS, JR., OBO THE ESTATE OF BRYAN WILLIAMS, SR. VS. DR. HENRY EVANS, JR.</a> (Parish of Orleans Civil)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0458.C.action.pdf">2020-C-00458 ANDREA LOVECCHIO VS. RENEE ANGELLE ROMAIN AND TODD ROSENTHAL C/W ANDREA LOVECCHIO VS. RENEE ANGELLE ROMAIN AND TODD ROSENTHAL C/W ANDREA LOVECCHIO VS. RENEE ANGELLE ROMAIN AND TODD ROSENTHAL</a> (Parish of Orleans Civil)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0464.CC.action.pdf">2020-CC-00464 WANDA BUTLER COATS VS. BROADWALL MANAGEMENT CORPORATION, D/B/A LAKESIDE SHOPPING CENTER, GREATER LAKESIDE CAUSEWAY CORPORATION, GREATER LAKESIDE CORPORATION, U.S. SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY AND CHUBB SERVICES CORPORATION</a> (Parish of Jefferson)<br /><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0464.CC.sjc.grant.pdf">Crichton, J., would grant and assigns reasons.</a><br />Genovese, J., would grant.<br />Crain, J., would grant.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0465.KK.action.pdf">2020-KK-00465 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. BRYANT WOMACK</a> (Parish of Tangipahoa)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0471.K.action.pdf">2020-K-00471 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. TERRELL JAVON BATISTE</a> (Parish of Lafayette)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0475.CC.action.pdf">2020-CC-00475 OUTDOOR POWERHOUSE, LLC VS. BROWN & BROWN OF LOUISIANA, LLC D/B/A BROWN & BROWN OF BATON ROUGE, KATY CAVIN AND LAURIE BONNER</a> (Parish of Livingston)<br />Hughes, J., would grant.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0478.CC.action.pdf">2020-CC-00478 AMBER M. SANCHEZ VS. OCHSNER CLINIC FOUNDATION AND CHRISTOPHER A. SANCHEZ, M.D.</a> (Parish of Jefferson)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0487.KK.action.pdf">2020-KK-00487 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. JURON NEWMAN</a> (Parish of Orleans Criminal)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0490.CC.action.pdf">2020-CC-00490 JANICE FOSTER VS. STATE OF LOUISIANA, OFFICE OF STATE PARKS</a> (Parish of Bossier)<br />Crain, J., would grant.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0523.CJ.action.pdf">2020-CJ-00523 SUSANA F. MOODY VS. ROSS MOODY</a> (Parish of Calcasieu)<br />Crain, J., recused in case number 2020-CJ-00523 only.<br />Hughes, J., would grant.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0537.CC.action.pdf">2020-CC-00537 GARDEN VIEW AT JONES CREEK, LLC VS. DONAHUE FAVRET CONTRACTORS, INC., LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, HERITAGE FLOORING, INC., LAIRD'S PLUMBING, MECHANICAL AND SERVICES, LLC, PACE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC, RIVER CITY AIR CONDITIONING, INC., AND TEK ELECTRIC GROUP, LLC</a> (Parish of East Baton Rouge)<br />Hughes, J., would grant.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0575.CC.action.pdf">2020-CC-00575 GARDEN VIEW AT JONES CREEK, LLC VS. DONAHUE FAVRET CONTRACTORS, INC., LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, HERITAGE FLOORING, INC., LAIRD'S PLUMBING, MECHANICAL AND SERVICES, LLC, PACE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC, RIVER CITY AIR CONDITIONING, INC., AND TEK ELECTRIC GROUP, LLC</a> (Parish of East Baton Rouge)<br />Hughes, J., would grant.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0625.KH.action.pdf">2020-KH-00625 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. RANDY LEE TURNER</a> (Parish of Terrebonne)<br />Weimer, J., recused in case number 2020-KH-00625 only.<br />Johnson, C.J., would grant.<br />Hughes, J., would grant.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0734.CC.action.pdf">2020-CC-00734 CENTURY READY MIX CORPORATION VS. LANCO CONSTRUCTION, INC., LARRY EVANS, INC. AND SST BASTROP, L.L.C.</a> (Parish of Morehouse)</p><!-- TemplateEndEditable --> </div>