<table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="text-align:justify;" width="90%"><tbody><tr valign="top"><td valign="top" width="63%">FOR IMMEDIATE NEWS RELEASE</td><td valign="top" width="37%"><div align="right">NEWS RELEASE #047</div></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td valign="top">FROM: CLERK OF SUPREME COURT OF LOUISIANA</td><td valign="top"> </td></tr></tbody></table><!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <p> </p><div class="nrbody"><style>.nrbody h1{ display:block; font-size:1em; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline; } .nrbody p { text-align:justify; } .nrdate { font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline; } </style> <p> </p><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="NRBODY" --> <p>On the <span class="nrdate">24th day of November, 2020</span> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:</p><h1>Writ application denied:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1347.CC.action.pdf">2020-CC-01347 BOH BROS. CONSTRUCTION CO. LLC VS. CITY OF NEW ORLEANS AND THE HONORABLE LATOYA CANTRELL, IN HER OFFICIAL CAPACITY AS THE MAYOR OF NEW ORLEANS AND HARD ROCK CONSTRUCTION, LLC</a> (Parish of Orleans Civil)<br /><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1347.CC.jlw.con.pdf">Weimer, J., concurs and assigns reasons.</a><br />Hughes, J., would grant.</p><p> </p><p>On the <span class="nrdate">8th day of December, 2020</span> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:</p><h1>Writ application granted:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0973.C.action.pdf">2020-C-00973 STATE OF LOUISIANA, BY AND THROUGH ITS ATTORNEY GENERAL JEFF LANDRY VS. ASTRAZENECA AB, ASTRAZENECA LP, ASTRAZENECA PHARMACEUTICALS LP, AND AKTIBOLAGET HASSLE</a> (Parish of East Baton Rouge)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0976.C.action.pdf">2020-C-00976 MARK A. DAVIDSON VS. STATE OF LOUISIANA, JERRY JONES, IN HIS OFFICIAL CAPACITY AS DISTRICT ATTORNEY OF OUACHITA PARISH; AND LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS</a> (Parish of East Baton Rouge)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1017.C.action.pdf">2020-C-01017 BAYOU BRIDGE PIPELINE, LLC VS. 38.00 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, LOCATED IN ST. MARTIN PARISH, ET AL.</a> (Parish of St. Martin)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1031.C.action.pdf">2020-C-01031 FAIRBANKS DEVELOPMENT, LLC VS. CHARLES WOODROW JOHNSON AND JESSICA LYN PETERSEN</a> (Parish of Ouachita)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1148.CC.action.pdf">2020-CC-01148 J. BENJAMIN ZAPATA AND AMANDA ZAPATA VS. STEPHEN WAYNE SEAL, DIVERSIFIED WELL LOGGING, INC. AND NAVIGATORS INSURANCE COMPANY</a> (Parish of Tangipahoa)<br />Hughes, J., recused in case number 2020-CC-01148 only.</p><h1>Writ application granted. See per curiam:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0483.K.PC.pdf">2020-K-00483 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. ANTHONY STRONG</a> (Parish of Rapides)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1171.CK.PC.pdf">2020-CK-01171 STATE OF LOUISIANA IN THE INTEREST OF N.S.</a> (Parish of Orleans Criminal)<br /><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1171.CK.jdh.con.pdf">Hughes, J., additionally concurs and assigns reasons.</a></p><h1>Petition for permanent resignation from the practice of law in lieu of discipline granted. See order:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1256.OB.PC.pdf">2020-OB-01256 IN RE: GREGORY SCOTT JOHNSON</a></p><h1>Joint petition for consent discipline accepted. See per curiam:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1218.B.PC.pdf">2020-B-01218 IN RE: MARI TARA BARTHOLOMEW</a></p><h1>Suspension imposed. See per curiam:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1140.B.PC.pdf">2020-B-01140 IN RE: AMY ELIZABETH BATEMAN</a><br /><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1140.B.jdh.dis.pdf">Hughes, J., dissents and assigns reasons.</a></p><h1>Denied:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1128.OB.action.pdf">2020-OB-01128 IN RE: APPEAL OF THE DECISION OF THE DISCIPLINARY BOARD NO. 19-PDB-089</a></p><h1>Application for reconsideration denied:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/19-0889.KO.re.action.pdf">2019-KO-00889 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. RONDA MARIE GIROIR</a> (Parish of Terrebonne)<br />Crain, J., recused in case number 2019-KO-00889 only.<br />Weimer, J., recused in case number 2019-KO-00889 only.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0318.KH.re.action.pdf">2020-KH-00318 ERIC FONTENELLE VS. DENISE NARCISSE, WARDEN</a> (Parish of Jefferson)</p><h1>Application for reconsideration not considered. See Louisiana Supreme Court Rule IX, § 6:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/19-1293.KH.re.action.pdf">2019-KH-01293 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. RONALD EARL WILLIAMS</a> (Parish of Caddo)<br />Crichton, J., recused in case number 2019-KH-01293 only.<br />McCallum, J., recused in case number 2019-KH-01293 only.<br /><a href="/Opinions/2020/19-1293.KH.bjj.re.grant.pdf">Johnson, C.J., would grant and assigns reasons.</a></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/19-1354.KH.re.action.pdf">2019-KH-01354 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS LAWRENCE PITTMAN</a> (Parish of Orleans Criminal)<br /><a href="/Opinions/2020/19-1354.KH.bjj.re.grant.pdf">Johnson, C.J., would grant and assigns reasons.</a></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/19-1581.KH.re.action.pdf">2019-KH-01581 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. BENJAMIN BRUCE</a> (Parish of Jefferson)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/19-1629.KH.re.action.pdf">2019-KH-01629 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. RONDY VERNON, SR.</a> (Parish of Washington)<br />Weimer, J., recused in case number 2019-KH-01629 only.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/19-2000.KH.re.action.pdf">2019-KH-02000 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. ALASUNDRIA AVERY A/K/A ALASUNDEIA AVERY</a> (Parish of Caddo)<br />McCallum, J., recused in case number 2019-KH-02000 only.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/19-2054.KH.re.action.pdf">2019-KH-02054 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. RONNIE K. HONGO</a> (Parish of Sabine)</p><h1>Writ application denied. See per curiam:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/19-2001.KP.PC.pdf">2019-KP-02001 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. CARLOS VARGAS-ALCERRECA A/K/A CARLOS VARGAS</a> (Parish of Orleans Criminal)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/19-2058.KH.PC.pdf">2019-KH-02058 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. JAN PORRETTO</a> (Parish of Jefferson)<br /><a href="/Opinions/2020/19-2058.KH.bjj.grant.pdf">Johnson, C.J., would grant and assigns reasons.</a><br /><a href="/Opinions/2020/19-2058.KH.jlw.dis.pdf">Weimer, J., would grant and assigns reasons.</a><br /><a href="/Opinions/2020/19-2058.KH.jdh.dis.pdf">Hughes, J., would grant and assigns reasons.</a></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0045.KH.PC.pdf">2020-KH-00045 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. JAMES C. LEWIS, JR.</a> (Parish of Lincoln)<br />McCallum, J., recused in case number 2020-KH-00045 only.<br />Hughes, J., would grant.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0667.KH.PC.pdf">2020-KH-00667 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. CORDERO J. EWING</a> (Parish of Caddo)<br />McCallum, J., recused in case number 2020-KH-00667 only.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0886.KH.PC.pdf">2020-KH-00886 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. WALTER EDWARD JOHNSON, JR.</a> (Parish of West Feliciana)<br />Weimer, J., recused in case number 2020-KH-00886 only.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1107.KH.PC.pdf">2020-KH-01107 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. DEIDRE ANTOINETTE PIERRE</a> (Parish of Lafayette)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1204.KH.PC.pdf">2020-KH-01204 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. TRAVIS R. MCKEE</a></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1208.KH.PC.pdf">2020-KH-01208 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. ROSHEED GUILLORY</a> (Parish of Lafayette)</p><h1>Writ application denied - Applicant has previously exhausted his right to state collateral review. State v. Ellis, 19-1233 (La. 3/9/20), 291 So.3d 221:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0841.KH.action.pdf">2020-KH-00841 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS RUDOLPH ELLIS, JR.</a> (Parish of Vernon)</p><h1>Stay denied. Writ application denied: </h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1334.KK.action.pdf">2020-KK-01334 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. JIMEELAH CROCKETT</a> (Parish of East Baton Rouge)<br /><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1334.KK.jdh.con.pdf">Hughes, J., additionally concurs and assigns reasons.</a></p><h1>Writ application denied:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0390.KD.action.pdf">2020-KD-00390 BOBBY LEE HAMPTON VS. DARREL VANNOY, WARDEN</a> (Parish of Caddo)<br />Johnson, C.J., would grant and docket.<br />Weimer, J., would grant and docket.<br /><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0390.KD.sjc.grant.pdf">Crichton, J., would grant and docket and assigns reasons.</a></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0795.KO.action.pdf">2020-KO-00795 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. DEWAYNE A. ALLEN</a> (Parish of Jefferson)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0839.CI.action.pdf">2020-CI-00839 WALTER E. JOHNSON, JR. VS. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY & CORRECTIONS</a> (Parish of East Baton Rouge)<br />Weimer, J., recused in case number 2020-CI-00839 only.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0972.C.action.pdf">2020-C-00972 PLAQUEMINES DIRT & CLAY COMPANY, L.L.C. VS. PLAQUEMINES PARISH GOVERNMENT</a> (Parish of Plaquemines)<br /><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0972.C.sjc.grant.pdf">Crichton, J., would grant and docket and for reasons assigned by Justice Crain.</a><br /><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0972.C.wjc.grant.pdf">Crain, J., would grant and docket and assigns reasons.</a></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0975.KK.action.pdf">2020-KK-00975 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. RAYNALDO MARKEITH SAMPY, JR.</a> (Parish of Lafayette)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0985.C.action.pdf">2020-C-00985 YVONNE RENEA BOUTTE VS. KEVIN LEE BOUTTE</a> (Parish of Beauregard)<br /><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-0985.C.sjc.grant.pdf">Crichton, J., would grant and docket and assigns reasons.</a><br />Crain, J., would grant.<br />McCallum, J., would grant.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1061.K.action.pdf">2020-K-01061 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. BRANDON BELL-BRAYBOY</a> (Parish of Webster)<br />McCallum, J., recused in case number 2020-K-01061 only.<br /><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1061.K.bjj.grant.pdf">Johnson, C.J., would grant and assigns reasons.</a><br />Genovese, J., would grant.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1080.KK.action.pdf">2020-KK-01080 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. TYRONE JONES</a> (Parish of Orleans Criminal)<br /><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1080.KK.bjj.grant.pdf">Johnson, C.J., would grant and assigns reasons.</a><br />Weimer, J., would grant.<br /><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1080.KK.sjc.con.pdf">Crichton, J., additionally concurs and assigns reasons.</a></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1136.KP.action.pdf">2020-KP-01136 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. LAWRENCE JONES</a> (Parish of Orleans Criminal)<br />Crichton, J., would grant and reinstate plea agreement.<br />Crain, J., would grant and reinstate plea agreement.<br />McCallum, J., would grant and reinstate plea agreement.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1151.K.action.pdf">2020-K-01151 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. RYAN HARRIS</a> (Parish of Lafourche)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1161.C.action.pdf">2020-C-01161 RHETT CHARLES VS. NEW ORLEANS POLICE DEPARTMENT</a><br />Hughes, J., would grant.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1172.C.action.pdf">2020-C-01172 BERNHARD MCC, LLC VS. KURT M. ZERINGUE; ROBERT G. MAYFIELD, SR.; ROBERT G. MAYFIELD, JR.; CECIL PASSMAN; JAMES BRIAN CARLISLE; AND NICHOLAS ZAZULAK</a> (Parish of Jefferson)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1180.C.action.pdf">2020-C-01180 IN THE MATTER OF THE SUCCESSION OF YVONNE EDNA MORRIS</a> (Parish of East Baton Rouge)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1181.CC.action.pdf">2020-CC-01181 TONI FLAD ROSSI VS. ANTHONY ROSSI</a> (Parish of St. Tammany)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1183.CC.action.pdf">2020-CC-01183 CAJUN CONTI LLC, CAJUN CUISINE 1 LLC, AND CAJUN CUISINE LLC D/B/A OCEANA GRILL VS. CERTAIN UNDERWRITERS AT LLYOD'S, LONDON, AND KENNETH JONES</a> (Parish of Orleans Civil)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1187.CC.action.pdf">2020-CC-01187 SONIA SAYED YOUSSEF VS. TAREK A. YOUSSEF</a> (Parish of Jefferson)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1194.C.action.pdf">2020-C-01194 CHENIERE CONSTRUCTION, INC. VS. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA THROUGH THE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE AND TAXATION</a> (Parish of East Baton Rouge)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1195.CC.action.pdf">2020-CC-01195 PHILLIP YOUNG VS. C. BRITAIN SLEDGE, III, ROLLING, PERRILLOUX, & SLEDGE, LLC AND XYZ INSURANCE COMPANY</a> (Parish of Iberville)<br />Weimer, J., would grant and docket.<br /><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1195.CC.sjc.grant.pdf">Crichton, J., would grant and docket and assigns reasons.</a></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1206.KH.action.pdf">2020-KH-01206 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. JESSIE BELL, JR.</a> (Parish of Lafourche)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1207.KH.action.pdf">2020-KH-01207 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. KENNY R. THOMAS</a> (Parish of Evangeline)<br /><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1207.KH.bjj.grant.pdf">Johnson, C.J., would grant and assigns reasons.</a><br /><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1207.KH.jlw.dis.pdf">Weimer, J., would grant and assigns reasons.</a></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1247.KH.action.pdf">2020-KH-01247 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. MICHAEL W. WITHERS</a> (Parish of Calcasieu)<br /><a href="/Opinions/2020/20-1247.KH.bjj.grant.pdf">Johnson, C.J., would grant and assigns reasons.</a></p><p> </p><p> </p><!-- InstanceEndEditable --> </div>