<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ReleaseNO" --> <table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="text-align:justify;" width="90%"><tbody><tr valign="top" style=""><td valign="top" width="63%">FOR IMMEDIATE NEWS RELEASE</td><td valign="top" width="37%"><div align="right">NEWS RELEASE #010</div></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td valign="top">FROM: CLERK OF SUPREME COURT OF LOUISIANA</td><td valign="top"> </td></tr></tbody></table><!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <p> </p><div class="nrbody"><style>.nrbody h1{ display:block; font-size:1em; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline; } .nrbody p { text-align:justify; } .nrdate { font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline; } </style> <p> </p><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="NRBODY" --> <p>On the <span class="nrdate">10th day of March, 2021</span> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:</p><h1>Permanent disbarment imposed. See per curiam:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/20-1415.B.PC.pdf">2020-B-01415 IN RE: HILLARD CHARLES FAZANDE III</a></p><p> </p><p>On the <span class="nrdate">11th day of March, 2021</span> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:</p><h1>Stay lifted. Writ application denied:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/21-0146.K.action.pdf">2021-K-00146 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. PATRICK NEWTON HARRIS</a> (Parish of Bossier)<br />McCallum, J., recused in case number 2021-K-00146 only.</p><p> </p><p>On the <span class="nrdate">16th day of March, 2021</span> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:</p><h1>Writ application granted:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/20-1167.CC.action.pdf">2020-CC-01167 ANN MARIE AURICCHIO AND PATRICK HOGAN VS. LYNEIGH J. HARRISTON</a> (Parish of Orleans Civil)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/21-0011.CC.action.pdf">2021-CC-00011 TERESA KELLEHER VS. UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER MANAGEMENT CORPORATION D/B/A UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER NEW ORLEANS</a> (Parish of Orleans Civil)</p><h1>Writ application granted. See per curiam:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/20-0290.CK.PC.pdf">2020-CK-00290 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. IN THE INTEREST OF H.J.</a> (Parish of Orleans Criminal)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/20-1345.CC.PC.pdf">2020-CC-01345 MICHEL JACKSON MILLER, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS NATURAL TUTRIX OF HER MINOR SON VS. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA, DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, RODNEY STRAIN, SHERIFF OF THE PARISH OF ST. TAMMANY, NORTHSHORE WORKPLACE, L.L.C., VICTORY BIBLE CHURCH, A LOUSIANA RELIGIOUS CORPORATION</a> (Parish of St. Tammany)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/20-1485.CC.PC.pdf">2020-CC-01485 ROGER LEHMAN VS LOUIS J. PERRET, CLERK OF COURT, IN HIS CAPACITY AS CLERK OF COURT</a> (Parish of Lafayette)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/21-0084.C.PC.pdf">2021-C-00084 DANIEL HARRIS VS. BOH BROS. CONSTRUCTION CO., LLC AND ABC INSURANCE COMPANY</a> (Parish of Orleans Civil)<br /><a href="/Opinions/2021/21-0084.C.jtg.deny.pdf">Genovese, J., would deny and assigns reasons.</a><br />Griffin, J., dissents.</p><h1>Suspension imposed. See per curiam:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/20-1412.B.PC.pdf">2020-B-01412 IN RE: KEMIC ALAN SMOTHERS</a><br /><a href="/Opinions/2021/20-1412.B.sjc.con.pdf">Crichton, J., additionally concurs and assigns reasons.</a><br />Genovese, J., would impose a greater sanction.</p><h1>Joint petition for conditional admission granted. See per curiam:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/21-0135.BA.PC.pdf">2021-BA-00135 IN RE: COMMITTEE ON BAR ADMISSIONS CFN-679842</a></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/21-0136.BA.PC.pdf">2021-BA-00136 IN RE: COMMITTEE ON BAR ADMISSIONS CFN-208519</a></p><h1>Admission denied. See per curiam:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/20-0861.BA.PC.pdf">2020-BA-00861 IN RE: COMMITTEE ON BAR ADMISSIONS CFN-253914</a><br />Hughes, J., would conditionally admit.<br />Griffin, J., would conditionally admit.</p><h1>Application for rehearing denied:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/20-1242.C.action.re.pdf">2020-C-01242 JERRY R. BAGWELL VS. UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION, ET AL.</a> (Parish of Orleans Civil)<br />Hughes, J., would grant.</p><h1>Application for reconsideration not considered. See Louisiana Supreme Court Rule IX, § 6: </h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/19-0324.KH.action.re.pdf">2019-KH-00324 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. DAMIONE BROCK</a> (Parish of Bossier)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/19-1904.CI.action.re.pdf">2019-CI-01904 DAX STRATTMAN VS. JAMES M. LEBLANC, SECRETARY LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS</a> (Parish of East Baton Rouge)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/20-0298.KH.action.re.pdf">2020-KH-00298 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. DAVID WAYNE SIMS</a> (Parish of Calcasieu)<br /><a href="/Opinions/2021/20-0298.KH.jlw.con.pdf">Weimer, C.J., concurs and assigns reasons.</a></p><h1>Application for reconsideration not considered. See Louisiana Supreme Court Rule IX, § 6. The judgement in this case is final. The applicant has exhausted all remedies and is not entitled to relief.:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/20-1144.C.action.re.pdf">2020-C-01144 LARRY WILLIAMSON VS. WILMINGTON SAVING FUND SOCIETY RSB AS TRUSTEE OF STANWICH MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST A</a> (Parish of Lincoln)</p><h1>Writ application not considered. Not timely filed. See La.S.Ct. Rule X, § 5(a) and (d), and La.S.Ct. Rule XLII, §6(e).:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/21-0114.C.action.pdf">2021-C-00114 SHARON MARIE JENKINS HAYES VS. PAUL C. HAYES</a> (Parish of St. James)</p><h1>Writ application denied - Applicant has previously exhausted his right to state collateral review. See State ex rel. Jones v. State, 16 1535 (La. 2/23/18), 236 So.3d 564.:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/20-1470.KH.action.pdf">2020-KH-01470 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. JEFFERY JONES</a> (Parish of St. Tammany)</p><h1>Writ application denied. Moot: </h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/20-1426.CC.action.pdf">2020-CC-01426 ROGER LEHMAN VS. LOUIS J. PERRET, IN HIS CAPACITY AS CLERK OF COURT</a> (Parish of Lafayette)</p><h1>Writ application denied. See per curiam:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/19-1644.KH.PC.pdf">2019-KH-01644 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS JOHNNY LEE YOUNG, JR.</a> (Parish of Caddo)<br />McCallum, J., recused in case number 2019-KH-01644 only.<br /></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/19-1822.KH.PC.pdf">2019-KH-01822 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. TIMOTHY WAYNE CALHOUN</a> (Parish of Ouachita)<br />Griffin, J., would grant in part solely to consider the applicability of Ramos v. Louisiana, 140 S.Ct. 1390, 206 L.Ed.2d 583 (2020).</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/20-0719.KP.PC.pdf">2020-KP-00719 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. THADDEOUS ROSS</a> (Parish of Orleans Criminal)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/20-1006.KP.PC.pdf">2020-KP-01006 MIKE ALVAREZ VS. STATE OF LOUISIANA</a> (Parish of Jefferson)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/20-1303.KH.PC.pdf">2020-KH-01303 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. QUINCY JOSEPH GAUDET</a> (Parish of Terrebonne)<br />Weimer, C. J., recused in case number 2020-KH-01303 only.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/21-0088.KH.PC.pdf">2021-KH-00088 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. CARL WATSON</a> (Parish of Tangipahoa)<br />Weimer, C. J., recused in case number 2021-KH-00088 only.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/21-0131.KH.PC.pdf">2021-KH-00131 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. KEVIN J. WILSON</a> (Parish of Orleans Criminal)</p><h1>Writ application denied:</h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/20-0562.KP.action.pdf">2020-KP-00562 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. KERRY PAUL</a> (Parish of Orleans Criminal)<br />Hughes, J., would grant.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/20-0940.KP.action.pdf">2020-KP-00940 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. MITCHELL A. FLEMMING, JR.</a> (Parish of Lafayette)<br />Griffin, J., would grant.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/20-1223.KP.action.pdf">2020-KP-01223 MIKE ALVAREZ VS. STATE OF LOUISIANA</a> (Parish of Jefferson)<br /><a href="/Opinions/2021/20-1223.KP.jlw.dis.pdf">Weimer, C.J., would grant and assigns reasons.</a><br />Griffin, J., would grant for the reasons assigned by Chief Justice Weimer.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/20-1420.CC.action.pdf">2020-CC-01420 ROGER LEHMAN VS. LOUIS J. PERRET, IN HIS OFFICIAL CAPACITY AS CLERK OF COURT</a> (Parish of Lafayette)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/21-0006.CC.action.pdf">2021-CC-00006 ORIS LATOUR, ET AL. VS. STEAMBOAT'S L.L.C.</a> (Parish of Calcasieu)<br /><a href="/Opinions/2021/21-0006.CC.sjc.grant.pdf">Crichton, J., would grant and assigns reasons.</a><br />Crain, J., would grant.<br />McCallum, J., would grant.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/21-0029.C.action.pdf">2021-C-00029 MATHES BRIERRE ARCHITECTS, A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION VS. KARLTON/ISG ENTERPRISES, LLC, INTERNATIONAL</a> (Parish of Orleans Civil)<br /><a href="/Opinions/2021/21-0029.C.sjc.grant.pdf">Crichton, J., would grant and docket and assigns reasons.</a><br />Crain, J., would grant and docket.<br />McCallum, J., would grant and docket.<br /><a href="/Opinions/2021/21-0029.C.pdg.con.pdf">Griffin, J., additionally concurs and assigns reasons.</a></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/21-0050.KP.action.pdf">2021-KP-00050 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. JOE LEE GRADY, JR.</a> (Parish of Caddo)<br /><a href="/Opinions/2021/21-0050.KP.jlw.dis.pdf">Weimer, C.J., would grant and assigns reasons.</a><br />Griffin, J., would grant for the reasons assigned by Chief Justice Weimer.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/21-0052.KO.action.pdf">2021-KO-00052 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. ARGENTINA MESA</a> (Parish of Jefferson)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/21-0075.KP.action.pdf">2021-KP-00075 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. MARCUS D. GULLY</a> (Parish of Caddo)<br />Weimer, C.J., concur and would deny writ on the showing made.<br />Griffin, J., concur and would deny writ on the showing made.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/21-0097.KH.action.pdf">2021-KH-00097 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. MARK PRIEST</a> (Parish of Jefferson)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/21-0117.CC.action.pdf">2021-CC-00117 MARK WHITE VS. LOUISIANA HEALTH SERVICES AND INDEMNITY COMPANY d/b/a BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF LOUISIANA</a><br />Weimer, C.J., would grant.<br />Griffin, J., would grant.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/21-0120.KH.action.pdf">2021-KH-00120 STATE EX REL. DR. ERIC M. DENET VS. STATE OF LOUISIANA</a> (Parish of Jefferson)<br />Griffin, J., would grant in part solely to consider the applicability of Ramos v. Louisiana, 140 S.Ct. 1390, 206 L.Ed.2d 583 (2020).</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/21-0124.C.action.pdf">2021-C-00124 EDITH LORRAINE HAGER VS. HOSPITAL HOUSEKEEPING SYSTEMS, L.L.C.</a> (Parish of Rapides)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/21-0126.C.action.pdf">2021-C-00126 IN RE: SUCCESSION OF JAMES RAY COON</a> (Parish of Tangipahoa)<br />Hughes, J., would grant and docket.</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/21-0128.KH.action.pdf">2021-KH-00128 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. DAVID LEE WILLIAMS</a> (Parish of West Feliciana)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2021/21-0133.C.action.pdf">2021-C-00133 IRIS NELL SPINKS JOURDAN, ROBIN RENE JOURDAN SMITH, AND MISTY MICHELLE JOURDAN APPE VS. ALLMERICA FINANCIAL BENEFIT INSURANCE COMPANY, ET AL</a> (Parish of Washington)<br />Crain, J., recused in case number 2021-C-00133 only.<br />Genovese, J., would grant and docket.</p><p> </p><p> </p><!-- InstanceEndEditable --> </div>