<div><table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="text-align:justify;" width="90%"><tbody><tr valign="top"><td valign="top" width="63%">FOR IMMEDIATE NEWS RELEASE</td><td valign="top" width="37%"><div align="right">NEWS RELEASE #027</div></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td valign="top">FROM: CLERK OF SUPREME COURT OF LOUISIANA</td><td valign="top"> </td></tr></tbody></table><p> </p><div class="nrbody"><style>.nrbody h1 { display:block; font-size:1em; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline; } .nrbody p { text-align:justify; } .nrdate { font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline; } </style><p> </p><p>On the <span class="nrdate">23rd day of June, 2021</span> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:</p><h1>Stay denied. Writ application granted. See per curiam.:</h1><p><a href="/opinions/2021/21-0857.CC.PC.pdf">2021-CC-00857 AMANDA FRANCES ANDERSON VS. MEHGAN CIARA KUTSYK</a> (Parish of Calcasieu)</p><p> </p><p>On the <span class="nrdate">24th day of June, 2021</span> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:</p><h1>Writ application granted in part. See order:</h1><p><a href="/opinions/2021/21-0884.KK.PC.pdf">2021-KK-00884 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. ANTHONY DEARMAS</a> (Parish of St. Tammany)</p><p> </p><p>On the <span class="nrdate">28th day of June, 2021</span> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:</p><h1>Stay denied. Writ application denied:</h1><p><a href="/opinions/2021/21-0908.CC.action.pdf">2021-CC-00908 ORIS LATOUR, ET AL. VS. STEAMBOAT'S L.L.C.</a> (Parish of Calcasieu)</p><p> </p><p>On the <span class="nrdate">29th day of June, 2021</span> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:</p><h1>Writ application granted - see briefing notice and Order:</h1><p><a href="/opinions/2021/21-0491.K.action.pdf">2021-K-00491 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. JOSEPH B. SCHMIDT</a> (Parish of St. Tammany)</p><p><a href="/opinions/2021/21-0566.C.action.pdf">2021-C-00566 COX, COX, FILO, CAMEL & WILSON, LLC VS. LOUISIANA WORKERS' COMPENSATION CORPORATION</a> (Parish of Calcasieu)</p><h1>Writ application granted. See per curiam:</h1><p><a href="/opinions/2021/21-0476.C.PC.pdf">2021-C-00476 JIMMIE TURNER VS. NEW ORLEANS POLICE DEPARTMENT</a><br />Weimer, C.J., would grant and docket.<br />Hughes, J., would deny.<br /><a href="/opinions/2021/21-0476.C.sjc.con.pdf">Crichton, J., additionally concurs and assigns reasons.</a></p><p><a href="/opinions/2021/21-0483.C.PC.pdf">2021-C-00483 MACRO COMPANIES, INC. VS. DEARYBURY OIL & GAS, INC., ET AL.</a> (Parish of Lafayette)<br />Weimer, C.J., would grant and docket.</p><h1>Writ application granted in part. See per curiam:</h1><p><a href="/opinions/2021/21-0574.KK.PC.pdf">2021-KK-00574 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. JASON PILCHER</a> (Parish of Natchitoches)</p><h1>Disbarment imposed. See per curiam:</h1><p><a href="/opinions/2021/21-0280.B.PC.pdf">2021-B-00280 IN RE: GEORGE ALLEN ROTH WALSH</a></p><h1>Admission granted. See per curiam:</h1><p><a href="/opinions/2021/20-1268.BA.PC.pdf">2020-BA-01268 IN RE: COMMITTEE ON BAR ADMISSIONS CFN-781739</a></p><p><a href="/opinions/2021/20-1332.BA.PC.pdf">2020-BA-01332 IN RE: COMMITTEE ON BAR ADMISSIONS CFN-325304</a></p><h1>Petition for admission dismissed. See order.:</h1><p><a href="/opinions/2021/20-0614.BA.PC.pdf">2020-BA-00614 IN RE: COMMITTEE ON BAR ADMISSIONS CFN-393872</a></p><h1>Petition for admission dismissed. See per curiam.:</h1><p><a href="/opinions/2021/20-1341.BA.PC.pdf">2020-BA-01341 IN RE: COMMITTEE ON BAR ADMISSIONS CFN-125525</a><br /><a href="/opinions/2021/20-1341.BA.jlw.con.pdf">Weimer, C.J., additionally concurs and assigns reasons.</a></p><h1>Writ application denied:</h1><p><a href="/opinions/2021/21-0478.C.action.pdf">2021-C-00478 MACRO COMPANIES, INC. VS. DEARYBURY OIL & GAS, INC., ET AL.</a> (Parish of Lafayette)<br />Weimer, C.J., would grant and docket.</p><p><a href="/opinions/2021/21-0497.CC.action.pdf">2021-CC-00497 JANICE CLAIBORNE, ET AL. VS. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF NEW ORLEANS</a> (Parish of Orleans Civil)<br />Crichton, J., would grant.<br />Crain, J., would grant.</p><p><a href="/opinions/2021/21-0577.CC.action.pdf">2021-CC-00577 ASSUMPTION PARISH POLICE JURY, ET AL. VS. TEXAS BRINE COMPANY, LLC, ET AL. C/W STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. TEXAS BRINE COMPANY, LLC, ET AL. C/W ASSUMPTION PARISH SHERIFF MIKE WAGUESPACK VS. TEXAS BRINE COMPANY, LLC, ET AL.</a> (Parish of Assumption)<br />Crain, J., recused in case number 2021-CC-00577 only.<br />Hughes, J., would grant and docket.<br />Crichton, J., would grant and docket.</p><p><a href="/opinions/2021/21-0580.CC.action.pdf">2021-CC-00580 FLORIDA GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY, LLC VS. TEXAS BRINE COMPANY, LLC</a> (Parish of Assumption)<br />Crain, J., recused in case number 2021-CC-00580 only.<br />Hughes, J., would grant and docket.<br />Crichton, J., would grant and docket.</p><p><a href="/opinions/2021/21-0597.CC.action.pdf">2021-CC-00597 FLORIDA GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY, LLC VS. TEXAS BRINE COMPANY, LLC</a> (Parish of Assumption)<br />Crain, J., recused in case number 2021-CC-00597 only.<br />Hughes, J., would grant and docket.<br />Crichton, J., would grant and docket.</p><p><a href="/opinions/2021/21-0611.CC.action.pdf">2021-CC-00611 PONTCHARTRAIN NATURAL GAS SYSTEM, K/D/S PROMIX, LLC AND ACADIAN GAS PIPELINE SYSTEM VS. TEXAS BRINE COMPANY, LLC</a> (Parish of Assumption)<br />Crain, J., recused in case number 2021-CC-00611 only.<br />Hughes, J., would grant and docket.<br />Crichton, J., would grant and docket.</p><p><a href="/opinions/2021/21-0793.OC.action.pdf">2021-OC-00793 FLORIDA GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY, LLC VS. TEXAS BRINE COMPANY, LLC, ET AL.</a> (Parish of Assumption)<br />Crain, J., recused in case number 2021-OC-00793 only.</p><p><a href="/opinions/2021/21-0794.OC.action.pdf">2021-OC-00794 FLORIDA GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY, LLC VS. TEXAS BRINE COMPANY, LLC, ET AL.</a> (Parish of Assumption)<br />Crain, J., recused in case number 2021-OC-00794 only.</p><p> </p></div></div>