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August 19, 20, 23, 25, 26, 27, 30, and 31, September 2 and 7, 2022
<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ReleaseNO" --> <table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="text-align:justify;" width="90%"><tbody><tr valign="top"><td valign="top" width="63%">FOR IMMEDIATE NEWS RELEASE</td><td valign="top" width="37%"><div align="right">NEWS RELEASE #039</div></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td valign="top">FROM: CLERK OF SUPREME COURT OF LOUISIANA</td><td valign="top"> </td></tr></tbody></table><!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <p> </p><div class="nrbody"><style>.nrbody h1{ display:block; font-size:1em; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline; } .nrbody p { text-align:justify; } .nrdate { font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline; } </style> <p> </p><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="NRBODY" --> <p>On the <span class="nrdate">19th day of August, 2022</span> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:</p><h1><br />Application for rehearing denied:<br /></h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-1203.CC.action.pdf">2022-CC-01203 SEGAL RADHI VS. CHRISTIE PHUONG NGUYEN, ET AL.</a> (Parish of Orleans Civil)<br /></p><p> </p><p>On the <span class="nrdate">20th day of August, 2022</span> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:<br /></p><h1>Stay denied. Writ application denied:<br /></h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-1278.KP.action.pdf">2022-KP-01278 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. RODNEY J. TOLLIVER</a> (Parish of Lafayette)<br /></p><p> </p><p>On the <span class="nrdate">23rd day of August, 2022</span> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:<br /></p><h1>Writ application denied:<br /></h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-1300.KK.action.pdf">2022-KK-01300 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. SHANTEL PARRIA</a> (Parish of Jefferson)<br /></p><p> </p><p>On the <span class="nrdate">25th day of August, 2022</span> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:<br /></p><h1>Stay denied. Writ application denied:<br /></h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-1276.CJ.action.pdf">2022-CJ-01276 MARIE BOURGEOIS MCCLAIN VS. KEEGAN MCCLAIN</a> (Parish of Lafayette)<br /></p><p> </p><p>On the <span class="nrdate">26th day of August, 2022</span> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:<br /></p><h1>Joint petition for transfer to disability inactive status granted. See order:<br /></h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-1310.OB.action.pdf">2022-OB-01310 IN RE: STEPHEN T. SYLVESTER</a><br /></p><p> </p><p>On the <span class="nrdate">27th day of August, 2022</span> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:<br /></p><h1>Writ application granted. See per curiam:<br /></h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-1312.KK.action.pdf">2022-KK-01312 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. HENDERSON WESLEY</a> (Parish of St. Mary)<br />Crain, J., concurring in the grant and per curiam.</p><p> </p><p>On the <span class="nrdate">30th day of August, 2022</span> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:<br /></p><h1>Stay lifted. Writ application denied:<br /></h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-1291.KK.action.pdf">2022-KK-01291 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. BRANDON FRANCISCO A/K/A BRANDON JERMAINE FRANCISCO</a> (Parish of Rapides)<br />Crichton, J., would grant and docket.<br />Crain, J., would grant and docket.<br />McCallum, J., would grant and docket.<br /></p><p> </p><p>On the <span class="nrdate">31st day of August, 2022</span> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:</p><h1><br />Petition for permanent resignation from the practice of law in lieu of discipline granted. See order:<br /></h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-1308.OB.action.pdf">2022-OB-01308 IN RE: EDMOND H. KNOLL</a><br />Genovese, J., recused in case number 2022-OB-01308 only.<br /><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-1308.OB.SJC.dis.pdf">Crichton, J., would reject the petition for permanent resignation and assigns reasons.</a><br /></p><p> </p><p>On the <span class="nrdate">2nd day of September, 2022</span> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:<br /></p><h1>Stay denied. Writ application denied:<br /></h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-1326.CC.action.pdf">2022-CC-01326 ACTION RESTORATION, INC. VS. CITY OF LAKE CHARLES</a> (Parish of Calcasieu)<br /></p><p> </p><p>On the <span class="nrdate">7th day of September, 2022</span> the following action was taken by the Supreme Court of Louisiana in the case(s) listed below:<br /></p><h1>Writ application granted. See per curiam:<br /></h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/21-1901.KK.PC.pdf">2021-KK-01901 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. MICHAEL HAWK</a> (Parish of East Feliciana)<br />Admission granted. See per curiam:<br /></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/21-1520.BA.PC.pdf">2021-BA-01520 IN RE: COMMITTEE ON BAR ADMISSIONS CFN-644373</a><br />Genovese, J., dissents and would order conditional admission.<br /></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/21-1612.BA.PC.pdf">2021-BA-01612 IN RE: COMMITTEE ON BAR ADMISSIONS CFN-171529</a><br />Genovese, J., dissents and would order conditional admission.<br />McCallum, J., dissents and would order conditional admission.<br /></p><h1>Joint petition for consent discipline accepted. See per curiam:<br /></h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-0931.B.PC.pdf">2022-B-00931 IN RE: JOHN C. ALEXANDER</a><br />Crain, J., dissents and would impose discipline prospectively only.<br />McCallum, J., dissents and would impose discipline prospectively only.<br /></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-1039.B.PC.pdf">2022-B-01039 IN RE: ZACHARY RYAN MOFFETT</a><br /><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-1039.B.SJC.con.pdf">Crichton, J., additionally concurs and assigns reasons.</a><br /></p><h1>Petition for permanent retirement from the practice of law granted. See order:<br /></h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-1049.OB.action.pdf">2022-OB-01049 IN RE: DOMINICK SAVONA, JR.</a><br /></p><h1>Denied:<br /></h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-0790.OB.action.pdf">2022-OB-00790 IN RE: APPEAL OF THE DECISION OF THE DISCIPLINARY BOARD NO. 20-PDB-084</a><br /></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-0851.OB.action.pdf">2022-OB-00851 IN RE: APPEAL OF THE DECISION OF THE DISCIPLINARY BOARD NO. 21-PDB-069</a><br /></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-0900.OB.action.pdf">2022-OB-00900 IN RE: APPEAL OF THE DECISION OF THE DISCIPLINARY BOARD NO. 21-PDB-066</a><br /></p><h1>Writ application not considered. Not timely filed. See Louisiana Supreme Court Rule X, § 5(a):<br /></h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-0474.KH.action.pdf">2022-KH-00474 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. FELTON JAMES LEDET</a> (Parish of Lafayette)<br />Griffin, J., would grant.<br /></p><h1>Application for reconsideration not considered. See Louisiana Supreme Court Rule IX, § 6:<br /></h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/21-1757.KH.action.pdf">2021-KH-01757 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. JEFFREY M. REYNOLDS</a> (Parish of Livingston)<br /></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-0437_.K.action.pdf">2022-K-00437 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. NATHANIEL O. ROBINSON</a> (Parish of Orleans Criminal)<br /></p><h1>Application for reconsideration denied:<br /></h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-0154_.KH.action.pdf">2022-KH-00154 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. RONALD DUGAS</a> (Parish of Lafayette)<br /></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-0184_.C.action.pdf">2022-C-00184 CHARLES E. BATES AND STACY BATES VS. PROGRESSIVE TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENT CO., LLC, KEN BORDELON, EMC INSURANCE COMPANY, MACDON, INC., AND CNH INDUSTRIAL AMERICA, LLC</a> (Parish of East Baton Rouge)<br /></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-0503_.KH.action.pdf">2022-KH-00503 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. ROLONDO STEWART</a> (Parish of Ascension)<br /><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-0503.KH.JDH.con.pdf">Hughes, J., concurs and assigns reasons.</a><br /></p><h1>Writ application denied. See per curiam:<br /></h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-0544.KH.PC.pdf">2022-KH-00544 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. VICTOR GALAN</a> (Parish of St. Tammany)<br />Crain, J., recused in case number 2022-KH-00544 only.<br /></p><h1>Writ application denied:<br /></h1><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-0365.KH.action.pdf">2022-KH-00365 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. MARTAVIA D. KING AND MALCOLM W. HALL, JR.</a> (Parish of Desoto)<br /></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-0438.CC.action.pdf">2022-CC-00438 DODSON & HOOKS, APLC VS. THE LOUISIANA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL FUND, INC. (CAPFUND). C/W THE LOUISIANA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL FUND, INC. (CAPFUND). VS. DODSON & HOOKS, APLC</a> (Parish of East Baton Rouge)<br />Hughes, J., would grant.<br /></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-0480.KH.action.pdf">2022-KH-00480 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. RALPH JONES</a> (Parish of St. Tammany)<br /></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-0489.KH.action.pdf">2022-KH-00489 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. CALVIN L. DONALD</a> (Parish of Caldwell)<br /></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-0491.KH.action.pdf">2022-KH-00491 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. ANTOINE CARROLL</a> (Parish of Orleans Criminal)</p><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-0494.KH.action.pdf">2022-KH-00494 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. TONY F. CLARKE, SR.</a> (Parish of Lafourche)<br />Griffin, J., would grant.<br /></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-0531.CC.action.pdf">2022-CC-00531 DODSON & HOOKS, APLC VS. THE LOUISIANA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL FUND, INC. (CAPFUND) C/W THE LOUISIANA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL FUND, INC. (CAPFUND) VS. DODSON & HOOKS, APLC</a> (Parish of East Baton Rouge)<br /></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-0545.KH.action.pdf">2022-KH-00545 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. BRYANT JOSEPH MURRAY</a> (Parish of St. Tammany)<br /></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-0664.C.action.pdf">2022-C-00664 ST. FRANCISVILLE BK, LLC VS. JEC REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT, LLC, ET AL.</a> (Parish of West Feliciana)<br />Hughes, J., would grant.<br /><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-0664.C.JBM.con.pdf">McCallum, J., concurs and assigns reasons.</a><br /></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-0684.KP.action.pdf">2022-KP-00684 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. CLAUDE B. ROBINSON</a> (Parish of Caddo)<br /></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-0717.K.action.pdf">2022-K-00717 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. WILLIAM GRESHAM</a> (Parish of Allen)<br /></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-0747.C.action.pdf">2022-C-00747 MICHAEL G. SIGUR VS. THE MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF LOUISIANA</a> (Parish of East Baton Rouge)<br /></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-0748.CC.action.pdf">2022-CC-00748 KELIA GUILLORY VS. NAUTILUS INSURANCE COMPANY, ET AL. C/W ALLEN GUILLORY, SR. AND ALLEN GUILLORY, JR. VS. NAUTILUS INSURANCE COMPANY, ET AL. C/W CIERA GUILLORY VS. NAUTILUS INSURANCE COMPANY, ET AL.</a> (Parish of St. Landry)<br /></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-0764.K.action.pdf">2022-K-00764 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. KEUNTREL RAYSHUN KNIGHT</a> (Parish of Bossier)<br /></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-0810.CC.action.pdf">2022-CC-00810 HAROLD FILS VS. STARR INDEMNITY LIABILITY COMPANY, ET AL.</a> (Parish of Lafayette)<br />Hughes, J., would grant.<br /></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-0947.KO.action.pdf">2022-KO-00947 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. DESMOND DANGELO DUGAS</a> (Parish of Acadia)<br />Hughes, J., would grant in part.<br /></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-0964.KK.action.pdf">2022-KK-00964 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. DAJUAN ALRIDGE</a> (Parish of Orleans Criminal)<br /></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-1023.CJ.action.pdf">2022-CJ-01023 STATE OF LOUISIANA IN THE INTEREST OF B.B.M.</a> (Parish of East Baton Rouge)<br /></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-1027.CJ.action.pdf">2022-CJ-01027 ASHLYN ETHERIDGE VS. HOLDEN LANDRY</a> (Parish of Sabine)<br /></p><p><a href="/Opinions/2022/22-1047.KO.action.pdf">2022-KO-01047 STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. MICHAEL CALVIN DUHON A/K/A MICHAEL C. DUHON A/K/A MICHAEL DUHON</a> (Parish of Lafayette)</p><!-- InstanceEndEditable --> </div>