<p><strong>COURT CLOSURE ORDERS AND OTHER INFORMATION:</strong></p><ul><li><strong>LOUISIANA SUPREME COURT CLOSURE INFORMATION: </strong>Due to the approaching weather system, Tropical Storm Gordon, the Louisiana Supreme Court courthouse will be closed on Tuesday, September 4 and Wednesday, September 5, with a planned reopening on Thursday, September 6. Any filings which are due Tuesday, September 4 or Wednesday, September 5 will be considered filed timely if filed on Thursday, September 6, 2018. Cases scheduled for the September docket will be rescheduled on the October docket.</li><li><strong>FOURTH CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEAL:</strong> Due to the hurricane type weather expected to hit the New Orleans Metropolitan area over the next two days, the Fourth Circuit and Supreme Court will be closed Tuesday, September 4th and Wednesday, September the 5th. The Fourth Circuit will reopen for court on Thursday, September 6th during normal hours. Oral Argument for Tuesday, September 4th and September 5th have been cancelled due to the inclement weather. If you need further assistance you can reach the Chief Deputy Clerk, JoAnn Veal at (504) 439-9975. For the latest information please check <a href="http://www.la4th.org/">http://www.la4th.org/</a></li><li><strong>FIFTH CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEAL: </strong>DUE TO TROPICAL STORM GORDON, THE FIFTH CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEAL WILL BE CLOSED EFFECTIVE AT 12 P.M. ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2018 AND WILL REMAIN CLOSED THROUGH WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2018. WE WILL REOPEN ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2018. ALL FILING DEADLINES THAT OCCUR DURING THIS TIME OF CLOSURE COULD BE EFILED <a href="https://ecourt.fifthcircuit.org/">HERE</a> ON OUR ECOURT WEBSITE. IT IS AVAILABLE 24/7. FOR EMERGENCY INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL (504)264-4903. For the latest information please check <a href="http://www.fifthcircuit.org/">http://www.fifthcircuit.org</a></li><li><strong><a href="/court_closure_orders/2018/22nd_JDC__9-4-18.pdf" target="_blank">22nd JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT</a>: </strong>The 22nd JDC as well as the Clerk of Court's office will close at 12pm noon on, September 4th. Updates to Wednesday status will be posted on Facebook and on <a href="http://www.sttammanyclerk.org/">www.sttammanyclerk.org</a>.</li><li><strong><a href="/court_closure_orders/2018/24th_JDC_9-4-18.pdf" target="_blank">24th JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT</a></strong> (2:00 PM, September 4, 2018 - September 5, 2018)</li><li><strong>29th JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT: </strong>As a result of the state of emergency declared by the St. Charles Parish President due to the approaching tropical weather system, Tropical Storm Gordon, the 29th Judicial District Court and the office of the Clerk of Courtwill be closed on September 4, 2018. Any filings which are due on September 4th will be considered timely filed if filed when the courthouse reopens for regular business hours after the state of emergency for St Charles Parish is lifted. Cases scheduled on September 4th dockets will be rescheduled for a future date. For the latest information please check <a href="http://www.stcharlesparish-la.gov/Home/Components/News/News/12272/">http://www.stcharlesparish-la.gov/Home/Components/News/News/12272/</a>.</li><li><strong>ORLEANS CRIMINAL DISTRICT COURT: </strong>Per Chief Judge Landrum-Johnson, Due to an upgrade of the strom to possible hurricane strength at landfall, the mayor has decided to close all city offices tomorrow, Tuesday, September 4 and Wednesday, September 5. Thus Crimnial District Court will be closed tomorrow and Wednesday as well. For the latest information please check <a href="http://www.criminalcourt.org/">http://www.criminalcourt.org</a>.</li><li><strong>SLIDELL CITY COURT:</strong> In preparation for Tropical Storm Gordan’s potential impact on the community this week, Slidell City Court will begin its storm preparation the morning of Tues., Sep. 4. Depending on projections on Gordan’s landfall and local impact, it is possible the Court will suspend operations beginning tomorrow at noon and lasting until any weather emergency ends. Individuals who have a Court hearing scheduled for this week who may be planning to evacuate because of the storm, should come to the Courthouse on TUESDAY, SEP. 4th between 8:30 a.m. and noon to reschedule their Court hearing for a later date. If you miss your court date, you will need to immediately report to the Courthouse after this weather emergency to avoid further penalty. For the latest information please check <a href="http://www.citycourtofslidell.com/">http://www.citycourtofslidell.com</a></li><li><strong><a href="/court_closure_orders/2018/OPJC-NoticeOfClosure09042018.pdf" target="_blank">ORLEANS PARISH JUVENILE COURT</a></strong> (September 4, 2018);<strong> <a href="/court_closure_orders/2018/OPJC-NoticeOfClosure09052018.pdf" target="_blank">ORLEANS PARISH JUVENILE COURT</a></strong> (September 5, 2018)</li><li><strong>JEFFERSON PARISH JUVENILE COURT:</strong> Due to the incoming storm, Section C's afternoon docket will be closed on Tuesday, September 4th, 2018. The morning dockets will be held at the normal time for all Court Sections. For the latest information please check <a href="http://www.jpjc.org/">http://www.jpjc.org/</a>.</li><li><strong><a href="/court_closure_orders/2018/1stParishJefferson_9-4-18.pdf" target="_blank">1st PARISH COURT OF JEFFERSON</a> </strong>(2:00PM, September 4, 2018); <strong><a href="/court_closure_orders/2018/1stParishJefferson_9-5-18.pdf" target="_blank">1st PARISH COURT OF JEFFERSON</a> </strong>(September 5, 2018)</li><li><strong><a href="/court_closure_orders/2018/2ndParishJefferson_9-4-18.pdf" target="_blank">2nd PARISH COURT OF JEFFERSON</a></strong> (2:00 PM, September 4, 2018); <a href="/court_closure_orders/2018/2ndParishJefferson_9-5-18.pdf" target="_blank"><strong>2nd PARISH COURT OF JEFFERSON</strong></a> (September 5, 2018)</li></ul><p> </p>