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Louisiana Judges are Honored by the American Judges Association
<p style="text-align:center;"> </p><div align="left" style="text-align:center;"><table style="width:100%;background-color:#428bca;"><tbody><tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#428bca" height="21" valign="middle" width="100%"><div align="center"><strong><span style="color:#ffffff;">2022 Press Releases</span></strong></div></td></tr></tbody></table><table width="16%" style="width:1112px;"><tbody><tr></tr></tbody></table></div><table style="width:100%;text-align:center;"><tbody><tr valign="top"><td width="82" style="text-align:left;width:71px;">CONTACT: </td><td width="253" style="text-align:left;width:1039px;">Trina S. Vincent<br />504-310-2590</td></tr></tbody></table><div align="left" style="text-align:center;"><table style="width:100%;border-spacing:3px;background-color:#f7ebc6;"><tbody><tr valign="top"><td width="38%" style="text-align:left;"><span style="color:#212073;text-transform:uppercase;"><strong>September 16, 2022</strong></span></td><td width="62%"><p align="right"><span style="color:#212073;"><strong>FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE</strong></span></p></td></tr></tbody></table></div><p style="text-align:center;"><strong></strong> </p><p style="text-align:center;text-transform:uppercase;"><strong>Louisiana Judges are Honored by the American Judges Association</strong></p><p><strong>New Orleans, LA</strong> – Louisiana Fourth Circuit Court of Appeal Judge Edwin Lombard, Orleans Civil District Court Judge Kern A. Reese, and Shreveport City Court Judge Sheva M. Sims were recently honored at the 2022 American Judges Association (AJA) Annual Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.</p><p>AJA is the largest independent, judge-only, member-driven organization in North America. Members include present and former judges of courts of all jurisdictions in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa and the Virgin Islands.</p><p>Judge Edwin Lombard was honored with the AJA Chief Justice Richard W. Holmes Award of Merit for his years of dedicated service and outstanding contributions to the judiciary. He was instrumental in writing laws and procedures for the Dayton Peace Accord (Bosnia), Indonesia’s presidential election, and South African local elections. He has served as a lecturer at the University of Canto Domingo on the establishment of a criminal court record-keeping system. In addition, Judge Lombard was appointed by the Louisiana Supreme Court to supervise the recovery, remediation, and restoration of criminal evidence at Orleans Criminal District Court after Hurricane Katrina.</p><p>Orleans Civil District Court Judge Kern A. Reese, who has taught pre-law and law students at Tulane Law School, Loyola University New Orleans, College of Law, and Dillard University, has positively influenced future generations of lawyers and judges. Judge Reese recently led the Dillard University Mock Trial Team, which advanced to compete in the American Mock Trial Association’s National Championship Tournament, a first in the school’s history. Judge Reese received the AJA Judge Elliot Zide Award, which is given to an AJA member in recognition of significant contributions to judicial education.</p><p>Shreveport City Court Judge Sheva M. Sims, who serves the AJA as an executive committee member, was honored by AJA President Yvette Mansfield Alexander with the President’s Award for outstanding service. Through her involvement in leadership roles in several national and local organizations, Judge Sims has cultivated a wealth of organizational prowess which she brings to every project.</p><p>AJA President Baton Rouge City Court Judge Yvette Mansfield Alexander was elected as president for an unprecedented second term. Louisiana Supreme Court Justice Piper D. Griffin will continue to serve on the Board of Governors, and Shreveport City Court Judge Sheva Sims will continue serving as an executive committee member.</p><p><strong>For more information visit lasc.org or contact Louisiana Supreme Court Public Information Specialist/Coordinator Trina S. Vincent at <a href="mailto:tvincent@lasc.org">tvincent@lasc.org</a> or (504) 310-2590.</strong></p><p style="text-align:center;"><strong>-30-</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p><link rel="stylesheet" href="/press_room/press_releases/2022/images/2022-21_picgrid.css" /></p><div class="picgrid"><div><p><img src="/press_room%2Fpress_releases%2F2022%2Fimages%2F2022-21_AJA_Honorees.jpg" alt="American Judges Association President, Baton Rouge City Court Judge Yvette Mansfield Alexander with AJA 2022 Confrence Award Honorees (L-R) Orleans Civil District Court Judge Kern A. Reese, Judge Alexander, Fourth Circuit Court of Appeal Judge Edwin Lombard, and Shreveport City Court Judge Sheva M. Sims." /><br /><span class="caption">American Judges Association President, Baton Rouge City Court Judge Yvette Mansfield Alexander with AJA 2022 Confrence Award Honorees (L-R) Orleans Civil District Court Judge Kern A. Reese, Judge Alexander, Fourth Circuit Court of Appeal Judge Edwin Lombard, and Shreveport City Court Judge Sheva M. Sims.</span> </p></div></div>