Celebrating 200 Years

The Bicentennial of the Louisiana Supreme Court


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Celebrating 200 years . The Bicentennial of the Louisiana Supreme Courrt 1813-2013


Louisiana Supreme Court Justices



Isaac Trimble Preston
(1793 - 1852)

Associate Justice, Louisiana Supreme Court,
March 1, 1850 –July, 5, 1852

Judge, First District Court for the Parish of Orleans,
February-November, 1846

Louisiana Attorney General, 1824-1829; 1843-1846

Born in Rockbridge County, Virginia • Graduated from Yale, 1812 • Attended Litchfield Law School in Connecticut •Entered the Army as a Captain of the 35th Infantry during the War of 1812 • Married Catherine Lawn Layton, 1828 • Father of six children • Elector, Louisiana’s Third District, National Democratic Convention, 1848 • One of the commissioners of the New Orleans, Jackson and Great Northern Railroad Company, 1852 • Died in the St. James Steamboat explosion on Lake Pontchartrain, July 5, 1852