Press Releases 2024
2024 - 14 Law Library of Louisiana and Louisiana State Bar Association Named Recipients of National Excellence In Community Engagement Award
2024 - 13 72nd Annual Red Mass is Observed
2024 - 12 Retired Louisiana Supreme Court Justice Jeffrey P. Victory Passes Away at Age 78
2024 - 11 Retired Louisiana Supreme Court Justice Marcus R. Clark Passes Away at Age 68
2024 - 10 Judiciary Commission of Louisiana Announces Election Of New Officers
2024 - 9 Criminal Justice Stakeholders Collaborate on Sharing Information
2024 - 8 Louisiana Supreme Court Justice Jay B. McCallum Administers the Oath to First Military Attorney Spouse Admitted to Louisiana Bar Under Rule XVII, Section 15
2024 - 7 Louisiana Supreme Court Justices Issue Law Day Resolution Inspiring Judges to Participate in Civics Education in Schools
2024 - 6 Louisiana Supreme Court Justice Jay B. McCallum Appointed to Serve on Council of the Louisiana State Law Institute
2024 - 5 Chief Disciplinary Counsel for The Louisiana Attorney Disciplinary Board Charles B. Plattsmier Announces Retirement; Successor Anderson O. Dotson III, Appointed
2024 - 4 Judiciary Commission of Louisiana Announces Officers and Appointments
2024 - 3 Louisiana Supreme Court Justices Hold Oral Arguments at Loyola University New Orleans College of Law
2024 - 2 Retired Assistant U.S. Attorney Mary J. Mudrick is Appointed Shreveport City Court Judge Pro Tempore
2024 - 1 Louisiana First Circuit Court of Appeal Chief Judge John Michael Guidry Elected Secretary-Treasurer and Chairman of the Finance Committee of National Court of Appeal Organization